Saturday, December 16, 2023

Oak Tree Forest

Folmer-Schwing 12X20 Camera
Schneider Symmar 360/600mm Convertible Lens
12x20 Cirkut Film Rated at ISO50
F64, 15sec, Green Filter
HC-110 Dilution H, 10min, 68F
Epson 4990 Scanner

Thursday, November 30, 2023

Split Oak Forest 11x14

 Deardorff V11

Schneider Symmar 360mm/620mm F5.6 Convertible Lens, F64

Ilford HP5+

Sunday, October 22, 2023

Oak Trees in Split Oak Forest

Folmer-Schwing 12X20 Camera
Schneider Symmar 360/600mm Convertible Lens
12x20 Cirkut Film Rated at ISO50
F64, 15sec, Green Filter
HC-110 Dilution H, 10min, 68F
Epson 4990 Scanner


Monday, February 6, 2023

Cooke/TTH Anastigmat Series II 8 in/F4.5

 Unscrewed rear cells for 4 full turns and then refocused 



The "Cooke" Portrait Lens.

THE "Cooke" lenses, manufactured by Cooke/Taylor, Taylor & Hobson are well known for their efficiency. Series II Cooke lenses combine the advantages of the modern anastigmat-flatness of field and freedom from anastigmat at full aperture---with an adjustment enabling the photographer to introduce at will spherical aberration evenly over the whole plate. By unscrewing the back lens exactly three turns, the maximum definition is obtained. The lenses work at F4.5 and are designed more especially for the use of professional photographers.

Thursday, February 2, 2023

SOF 12x20 Photo Project #1

Schneider Symmar 360mm (360/620mm Convertible Lens)
Ilford PF4 125 Film


Schneider Symmar 620mm (360mm/620mm Convertible Lens)
Ilford PF4 125 Film

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Comparison between Ilex Paragon 12 inch F4.5 soft focus lens and Gundlach Radar 12 inch F4.5 lens


Ilex Paragon Series A 12 inch Soft Focus, f4.5, 0 Turn

Ilex Paragon Series A 12 inch Soft Focus, f4.5, 2 Turns

Gundlach Radar 12 inch, F4.5